Wednesday, August 27, 2008


Although my school visits are booked for the current year, I'm now booking for 2009/2010.

Some schools can't afford author visits, but there is another alternative. If your class or book club reads one of my books, I'm available for thirty minute phone interviews. Except for the phone call expense, this doesn't cost your school anything. You'll need to have a conference phone available though. I do a couple a month and they're a lot of fun.

To arrange a day and time, just email me at

Also if you are considering using one of my books in your classroom, please take a look at the teachers' guides on my website. All of the books except the Piper books have them.(And the Piper books will soon.)

I've saved the best news for last: When SQUARE FISH learned that I would be giving away a classroom set of Piper Reed Navy Brat to an educator, they generously offered to provide a set, too. So now two different educators will win. Thank you, SQUARE FISH!

Tomorrow I will introduce you to someone who makes my life easier--my assistant, Shaunna Reynolds.

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