Wednesday, February 25, 2009


One of Tracy Porter's book dedications reads, For my brother, Danny, who assured me ten years ago that my paper, scissors and glue would never fetch me a career.(KMA) It seems Tracy proved to her brother and the rest of the world that you could indeed make a career out of having fun. Tracy's approach to design and life and love is all mixed together because...well, that's the way she likes it. She is a true optimist and readers can gather inspiration from her books that go well beyond home design. Between the luscious pictures of her home, are words of wisdom that every writer or artist could live by.

Here are just a few:

Follow your heart today. Life will fall into place once you make this a priority.

Walk down a path you have never traveled...You might just find what you are looking for.

Allow yourself the freedom to change your mind.

Curl up with hot chocolate, a warm fire, and a good book.

Tracy is married to John and she's the mother of four boys. They are all important parts of the mix. Recently I told Tracy that I wish I'd witnessed her philosphy when I was a young mom. I would have taken myself a lot less seriously. When you watch Tracy's video blog, it is not unusual to see one of her sons playing in the background. She wouldn't have it any other way.

Tomorrow you'll meet Tracy. I'm honored that she agreed to be our first Artist at Home.

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