Usually visiting a school means I pack, board a plane, rent a car, and check in a hotel the day before my visit. Not this week. This week I got out of my own bed, fed my dog, drank coffee from my own coffeemaker. After dressing, I drove my car to the schools. One of those schools was only three miles away. What a treat!
Monday I visited Borger Middle and Elementary Schools. To prepare for my visit, the students read at least one of my books and some of the teachers had dressed as characters from When Zachary Beaver Came to Town. I appreciate all the hard work. But the real winners were the students. Their teachers brought my book to life.
When I speak to students, I don't use puppets or sing or pull a rabbit out of a hat. I talk about my journey to become a writer. I show some of my process--from inspiration to rewriting. They learn that childhood can be a very important time for a writer. That's where most of my inspirations come from. So it means a lot to me when the schools make the most from my visit. Thank you, Borger!
Yesterday I visited Sundown Lane Elementary School where I had the privilege of leading two writing workshops. Most of the participants were second to fourth graders, but the librarian, the literacy coach and the principal also joined in the fun. I was impressed! Those students have great role models. Thank you, Patti Garner and David Faver for inviting me to your school!
The pictures above are of Borger Middle School teachers dressed in the When Zachary Beaver Came to Town costumes. Some of them even went trick-or-treating that way!
And the young writer, whose pencil flew across the page, is second grader, Jayna, from Sundown Elementary School.
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