Friday, May 29, 2009


I hesitated about posting the above title because a couple of more steps remain before I can truly claim that this book is finished. But since I've dragged you through the copy-edited stage with me and you've had to put up with reading about my cashew butter binges and excessive pencil sharpening, I thought you might appreciate knowing this part is finished. Whew!

If you think that you're exhausted hearing about it, imagine my poor daughter who became an indentured servant yesterday. Here's a couple of sound bytes:

"Shannon, would you listen to this scene?"

"Shannon, what's another word for bounce?"

"Shannon, could you make some more coffee?"

And then when I'd finished, and a mere hour remained before FEDEX closed, "Shannon, could you count my pages while I change out of my pajamas?"

So please forgive me when I brag about my daughter. Now you know one reason why.

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